This cartoon, published in The New Yorker this week, March 11, 2019, was one of a few dozen I created 17 years ago, in July, 2002. While going through files of rejected cartoon roughs files last June, 2018, in preparing for my retrospective at the New-York Historical Society, I accidentally came across it. I thought it looked good, so I resubmitted it….and this time around, it was bought. However, I didn’t have time to complete and return a finished version of it for a few months, until around November, last year…and then forgot about it…but now suddenly, here it is. Just goes to prove that in this crazy freelance magazine cartooning world, you never know when, or IF some idea of yours will be bought —or if it is, when it might show up in print. That’s the name of the game: You Never Know.